Terms & Conditions
It is a condition of membership that all junior members and parents abide by the relevant Rules and Codes of Conduct at all times. Parents, please ensure that you spend time familiarising yourself and your child with the club rules. We aim to make the club training environment as positive and friendly as possible, and the club rules exist to help ensure that this happens.
General Club Rules
● The club reserves the right to refuse any membership to any applicant. Applicants to the club may be initially offered a trial period before being offered membership
● The club reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any member for inappropriate behaviour or any action that may bring the club into disrepute. This is also applicable to parents and guardians
● All parents/guardians of members when signing the registration & participation form must make it clear that they agree or not to photographs being taken from time to time, whether directly or indirectly at such events that the club holds. These photographs may be used at the club’s discretion for promoting the club
● The appropriate annual club membership fee must be paid from the 1st of October of each year (by 31st of October) to remain a member of the Club. All members must have SG/BG membership, and this must be activated online at https://www.scottishgymnastics.org/. The club will receive notification when membership is activated and may refuse entry to any gymnast not having valid SG/BG membership. Any member’s fees or Scottish Gymnastics membership which are not paid when due, may be deemed as not being a member of the club
● Monthly subscription fees must be paid no later than the 7th of each month. The subscription payment is continuous for each block, irrespective of illness, injury or holidays and is non-refundable.
● The club is open during school holidays therefore fees must be paid during any holiday periods in order that you keep your child’s place
● It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure the correct monthly fees are paid, particularly when training hours change
● Gymnasts’ attendance must be as close to 100% as physically possible and should be ready for training five minutes before classes begin. Gymnasts will lose their place if attendance is poor, particularly in advance classes.
● Gymnasts who have not attended for two weeks without prior notice will lose their place at the club.
● The club aims to provide general gymnastics and competitive gymnastics in floor and vault and TeamGym disciplines. Just because a gymnast is a member of a squad does NOT automatically mean that they have the right to be chosen for any competitions that the club enters. These decisions are made strictly at the discretion of Jacqueline Inglis and take into account many factors other than ability
● Gymnasts must arrive in time for warm- up
● Gymnasts/helpers under 18 must be signed in/out by their parent/guardian not earlier than five minutes before classes start and should not be dropped off/collected in the car park.
● No jewellery may be worn at any time (including belly bars), failure to remove jewellery will invalidate personal accident insurance. Long hair must be tied back, and t-shirts must be of a non-slip material. No football colours or crop tops should be worn to classes. Where possible the club uniform should be worn.
● The club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to personal belongings
● Gymnasts/parents must inform coaches of any injury or medication being taken before commencement of the session.
● FVTG operates an open-door policy, but we do not encourage parents to stay on a regular basis
● The coach’s’ decision as to how they arrange their groups for the sake of safety, numbers, and the smooth running of the session is final and no gymnast or their parent are allowed to question their decisions
● All gymnasts have a responsibility to keep the gym tidy and in good condition. Gymnasts are responsible for tidying up after themselves and putting their empty drinks bottles and rubbish in the bin when finished.
● Only gymnasts, coaches and authorised individuals are allowed in the gym in normal circumstances. If you wish to speak to a coach, please make arrangements to discuss any matters 10 minutes after session ends
● Gymnasts must only work on the instructions given by the coach
● No gymnasts are allowed on any apparatus unless supervised by a coach or given specific instructions to do so by a coach
● In matters of teaching – THE COACHES WORD IS FINAL
● Selection to squads will be made at the discretion of Jacqueline Inglis
● FVTG adopts the SG Child Protection Policy, does not tolerate bullying and operates as an equal opportunity club
● The club has a Scottish gymnastics recognised Child Protection Officer, Mrs Suzanne Grant. Any problems or concerns regarding aspects of the club and its members will involve the welfare officer. She can be contacted by email: childprotection@forthvalleygymnastics.co.uk
● Gymnasts are not permitted to change classes or training times unless by prior agreement by the head coach
● Parents and gymnasts are requested to build up an open, positive and supportive relationship with the coaching team, and coaches are requested to maintain open and positive communication with their gymnasts and gymnasts’ parents.
● No pictures or videos must be taken in the gym unless by prior agreement from the head coach
● All members and parents must adhere to the relevant code of conduct
Gymnasts’ Code of Conduct
Forth Valley Team Gymnastics is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its gymnasts. The club believes that it is important that gymnasts, coaches, volunteers and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, gymnasts are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the organisation with either their group coach or the head coach.
As a member of Forth Valley Team Gymnastics you are expected to abide by the following gymnasts code of conduct:
● All gymnasts must follow the rules and respect coaches and their decisions.
● All gymnasts must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all gymnasts regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
● Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach if they are going to be late or cannot attend.
● Gymnasts must not purposely damage any of Forth Valley Team Gymnastics’ equipment. Any gymnast caught vandalising equipment will be excluded from the club and parents could face being billed for replacing damaged equipment if video evidence is presented.
● Members must wear suitable kit – Leotard for girls and leotard and shorts or gym kit for boys at training sessions and must wear club uniform at competitions (e.g club leotard & tracksuit).
● Long hair must be tied back, gymnasts must remove all jewellery including body piercings, and earrings that cannot be removed must be covered with tape prior to training starting.
● A high standard of behaviour is expected from gymnasts at all times, including competitions and club trips.
● Be proud of your own achievements and encourage fellow gymnasts to succeed too.
● Always be courteous to coaches, parents and other gymnasts and listen carefully to coaches’ instructions and teaching points.
● Always tell a coach if you need to leave the class.
● No mobile phones are allowed to be used during training sessions unless agreed by the head coach.
Parents’ Code of Conduct
● Encourage your child to learn the rules and play within them.
● Discourage unfair play and arguing with coaches and officials.
● Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results
● Never force your child to take part in gymnastics.
● Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding good performances of all participants at competitions.
● Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
● Publicly accept coaches and officials' judgements.
● Support your child's involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
● Adopt the same policies of that of the coaches regarding personal behaviour in club or on any club outing or business. Use correct and proper language at all times
● Not abiding by these guidelines may result in termination of membership to Forth Valley Team Gymnastics for the gymnast.
● In the event of any grievance or queries please speak to the Lead coach in session or make an appointment with Jacqueline Inglis.
● Ensure that gymnasts are on time for training and competitions. A lot of organisation goes into lesson plans for training.
● Ensure gymnasts are picked up on time. Parents must notify coaches if their child is to be picked up by someone other than the usual person and must provide a contact number for that person.
● The club will not tolerate rudeness or rowdy behaviour from gymnasts or parents. In the event of behaviour unbecoming a gymnast or parent you may be asked to leave, and training will be terminated. We have a zero-tolerance policy with regards to any abuse directed at coaches.
● If your child is chosen to compete at TeamGym competitions, please understand that gymnasts are part of a team and NOT all gymnasts perform on tumble and trampette. COACHES DECISIONS ON GYMNASTS SELECTED TO PERFORM ON TRAMPETTE AND TUMBLE RUNS ARE FINAL
The club will not tolerate individuals who fail to adhere to these standards.